Dr Lee Episode 293

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 सीबेशियस सिस्ट क्या है? सीबेशियस सिस्ट एक बड़े दाने जैसा होता है। मुंहासों की तरह, सीबेशियस सिस्ट बालों के…

Dr Lee Episode 292

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 सिस्ट क्या है? सिस्ट एक सौम्य, एनकैप्सुलेटेड घाव है जिसमें एक तरल थैली होती है जिसमें तरल या अर्ध-तरल…

Dr Lee Episode 290

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 Can I stick a needle in a sebaceous cyst? Some patients attempt to sterilize a needle and puncture the…

Dr Lee Episode 288

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 Should you squeeze out a sebaceous cyst? You should not attempt to squeeze out a sebaceous cyst on your…

Dr Lee Episode 287

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 How do you diagnose a sebaceous cyst? A diagnosis of a sebaceous cyst can be determined by a physical…

Dr Lee Episode 286

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 What causes a sebaceous cyst?   Sebaceous cysts are formed within the sebaceous gland, which is the gland which…

Dr Lee Episode 285

Scroll down for the video 👇👇 What are the symptoms of sebaceous cysts? The presence of a lump or growth under the skin is usually…