Dr Lee Episode 325


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What is a Sebaceous Cyst?

A Sebaceous cyst is like a large pimple. Similar to acne, sebaceous cysts form within or near hair follicles. Sebaceous cysts are benign, firm or palpable growths, which can present as a smallΒ lump under the dermis. These cysts are formed from dirt, or excess oil, or a build-up of dead skin and sebum which gets trapped due to clogged hair follicles. Sebaceous cysts can grow rapidly, enlarging over the course of days or weeks.

These cysts most commonly present on the face, back and chest, where the majority of sebaceous glands exist. They do not occur on the palms of the hand or soles of the feet. Sebaceous cysts form a lump under the skin and initially looks like a small bump. The overlying skin is usually flesh colored or yellow in appearance due to the build up of sebum, pus, and keratin. These cysts grow slowly and can also be formed from trauma. Sebaceous cysts may initially be painless, although as large cysts develop, they often become painful. Most sebaceous cyst are not life-threatening, and they can often resolve on their own. However, some sebaceous cysts Β do not resolve and need further treatment. Depending on the location of the cyst, the amount of discomfort, the possibility of infection and scarring, and the cosmetic ramifications, these cysts will need to be treated and removed by Dr. Green in her NYC office.

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